
My Massage Life: Self Care and Necessary Maintenance

There is nothing more relaxing than a massage. It’s one of my monthly self-care rituals.

It is definitely a treat—relaxing for my mind and body, but also necessary maintenance. I use massage therapy to alleviate ongoing tight muscles that lead to extreme discomfort in my neck area. I’ve had that issue for a long time. I think it started with whiplash from a past car accident. I don’t know. But it’s a huge issue with which I’ve had to learn to live.

The issue has been so bad that at one point there was no position that provided any comfort. Sitting, laying down, leaning—nothing helped. I’ve had numerous doctor’s appointments over the years and years of physical therapy to determine the issue and treat it. Physical therapy has certainly helped during the really bad times, but its financially draining to do it forever.

My last physical therapist is the one that suggested it. I had been seeing him for nearly a year. I was doing better in my physical therapy but just needed the maintenance. I had had massage therapy in the past, but it was more for the relaxing, self care purpose. I didn’t know that it could be used to assist or address health issues. 

After several years of massage appointments, I can say that a monthly massage has greatly helped to alleviate my neck issue and keep me from getting worse. When I don’t get a massage, I can tell. My job in front of a computer doesn’t help. So, this will be a routine I will continue until my work life changes.

Massage Table

I always choose the deep tissue massage because I need the relief from the tight neck muscles. I love the feeling of the massage therapist kneading through the tight muscles. No pain, just relief as the knots are worked through. I always want to give Swedish massage a try, but I always fear leaving without the relief I get from deep tissue.

It also helps to find a great massage therapist. After trying several, I found a great one at MassageLuXe. My husband and I, very coincidentally, have the same neck issues, so we see the same massage therapist. He is the great with deep tissue massages.

It is a miserable life to have neck issues. I am so grateful to have found a solution that works for me and that I can afford right now.

Hi there! I am a Chicago suburban mom of one happy and friendly two-year old and wife of five years. I am always looking for fun things for us to do and see, delicious eats (cooked at home or at restaurants), experiences and fun ways to spend time together as a family. I try to make home life fun. I love life, my little family, traveling and exploring Chicago.

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