• Children

    Learning About Kidney Health Can Be Fun For Kids

    Today is Take Your Child to Work Day, but due to COVID-19, most kids have already been watching their parents work from home over the past month. Parents have not only been homeschooling, but also supplementing their child’s education to…

  • Children

    Bye Bye Binkies!

    Weaning off our son from his beloved binky was hard. I don’t know how some parents are able to do it cold turkey without shedding a tear. I can only assume that the child is not that attached to the…

  • Children

    What They Don’t Tell You About Toddlers

    What does a hematoma, a busted lip, a scratched out cheek, and bruised forehead have in common? A toddler! I am not talking about an angry toddler, but rather a happy, sweet and active toddler who has no concept of…